Other Blogs

Other Blogs
This part of my blog will have any blogs on it-Animal Jam related or not. But, there will be 2 sections. One with AJ blogs, and one with non-AJ blogs. If you want your blog on the list comment or email me the link, I'll check it out and if it's good I'll put it on my blog.  Hope you find some great blogs!

AJ Blogs
Animal Jam Spirit- By Snowyclaw
Animal Jam Fan Blog- By PerryFilip
Animal Jam Gossip- By Omnipotence 
The Daily Explorer- By AJHQ 
Animal Jam Glitches- By Lilyfh
Duchess Cleverclaw's Awesome Animal Jam Blog- By Amelia0308 a.k.a. Duchess Cleverclaw   
Star8puppy's Animal Jam Blast- By Star8puppy
Lorilea11's Animal Jam Journal- By Lorilea11 
The Daily Howl- By AJ Ducier

Non-AJ Blogs
Ella's Books-By me, Ella


  1. Can you add my blog as well? It's called Lorilea11's Animal Jam Journal and the website is www.myjamjournal.blogspot.com

    Would appreciate it, thanks :D

  2. Could you add my blog? It is called The Daily Howl and here is the link: http://blog-thedailyhowlnewz.blogspot.com/
    Thank you!


  3. Can you add my warriors blog> Pretty please?? :D

  4. Hi Trinh6! Love your blog and it's much better than mine!
    Please check mine out sometimes ^^ (I can't post that much, but it's still ok right? )


    It doesn't really have a name ._. it's just Sesame Tiger's Animal Jam Blog :P

  5. please post my blog it's for animal jam role players all aound aj well here is the link


    got any questions contact me on aj im xstayawayx


You may have read my post "OKAY, Anonymous" and by now you may know because of Anonymous/workboy53, I'm moderating comments. If I ever stop doing moderation, I'll do the annoying word verification. But. I'm. Not. Moving. One. Inch. This. Time!!!!