
Me at the "Bunnies Only" party. Clearly not reinforced!


Hi, bunnies.

Just. Sitting. On. A. Rickety. Old. Bridge. WAIT, WHAT!!!!

Just chillin'. 'Cause I'm a penguin.
Hi, jammers!

Like my new backpack?

Phew. This is heavy. Maybe I'll rest for a bit.

Yay! I won...

a wreath!
Oh, yeah!
How to Wash off Mud Quickly

Get in the mud

Get out of the mud

Go to somewhere that has water

Get in water and you get clean!


  1. Wow you know the glitch to get into a party with a different animal too? :D
    Cool! I know it too :) It's just that sometimes since my internet is not that good I somehow lag and then it all... Messes up like ... I'm in my den (in my screen) and then suddenly other Jammers start popping up from my roof and I was just asking them all "Why are you in my den what are you doing , it's locked how did you get here???" And they're just saying like "We're in the Cruise Ship Party" "This is the Bunnies Only Party, how did you get in here you're penguin?" Well in my screen I see myself in my empty den! Must be a glitch, haha XD

  2. Cool photos! They look really neat! I especially like the muddy bunny in shiveer for some reason XD

  3. How do you do the glitch to go in wolves only party by a turtle? <3 elizalps7771, My channel is elizalps, lilyheart2000, and sophiegtv!

    1. I believe that that you can do it the same way for all the parties but you have to have a wolf and a turtle , but the turtle has to go underwater, and let's say a dolphin and a horse, the dolphin has to go underwater.

  4. Hi hi hi!!! I wanna tell you how to get very dark red in the Wolfs Only party in 1 second! First, ya get in the mud or chocolate, mud=appondale chocolate=gingerbread den. Second, if the Wolfs Only Party is on, Go to it! Third, get super close to the lava in the Wolfs Only Party, then you'll be very dar red in 1 second! Hope it works for you!!! This works with arctic wolfs to :D!

    Signing me again, ilovecutechihuahuas


You may have read my post "OKAY, Anonymous" and by now you may know because of Anonymous/workboy53, I'm moderating comments. If I ever stop doing moderation, I'll do the annoying word verification. But. I'm. Not. Moving. One. Inch. This. Time!!!!