Thursday, March 7, 2013

Clover Table

Meep Jammers!
Don't forget to enter my CONTEST!
Today's returning item, in the Lucky Party, is the Clover Table!
I don't have a pictre right now, as there wasn't an LP on, but I've got a pic of one I have left over from last year! 
Meep! :3 I like 'em. Though they're member... All the items in the Lucky Party, except one, are member!!!! D: D:

Also, a thing I don't like (another thing, I should say) about AJ HQ is how they make one party, it goes super popular, and they keep bringing items to it. Then, they make another party and stop bringing items to the first's really sort of...stupid. 

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You may have read my post "OKAY, Anonymous" and by now you may know because of Anonymous/workboy53, I'm moderating comments. If I ever stop doing moderation, I'll do the annoying word verification. But. I'm. Not. Moving. One. Inch. This. Time!!!!